Thursday, May 30, 2013

'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time

Here's a picture of Dimitri for you mom :)
I feel..I feel, I don't know exactly what word I'm looking for...unappreciative? There's this castle literally like 30 seconds away from our hotel and yesterday after class we went to tour it and it was cool I guess since it's this super old castle (or what's left of it) but it was a letdown as medieval castles. Which is awful, because it's a castle they built a long time ago, and I would never be able to build something so impressive that lasts so long, but...but ya it was pathetic. That's what I did yesterday, big moment. O and I got my pants back and at the super market they had my cereal on sale! I got two boxes for really cheap! I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get back to the states and can't get it anymore.
It's been pretty rainy and not hot, which is the complete opposite of what I thought it was going to be so not having my pants was a problem, but the maids gave them back which is nice. I feel like I'm repeating myself. I don't have too much to say that y'all would be interested in. Just everyday life. Get up, free breakfast, Italian class, wonder Locarno for and hour, eat food, go to physics and then fall asleep. It's really weird all I want to do is take naps here and I'm really good at it. Given the chance I fall asleep in an instant, it's pretty great. Thankfully it's been raining for the past few days so I don't feel bad staying in and napping.
Every Thursday they have a little farmers market thing in the piazza and it has some cute stuff. But the point of me telling you this is actually specifically for one person because one of the vendors was playing Don't Stop Me Now and you probably won't read this haha but I thought of you Danny so ya. That is all.
I think I might take a nap now before dinner to recharge and party all night before we go hiking tomorrow.
O and I heard something about it snowing back home in GC? Ha! That sounds about right :)


  1. Thanks miss m...think you are catching up on sleep from when you got back from college:-)
    Yes we had and have snow today - wish I could figure out how to get a picture to you.
    Guess what???? the filly is coming over on Friday - just hope Tigger & miss you

  2. Your trip sounds beautiful like your face.

  3. Naw partner it's the inner beauty in the young Miss Koepke! Lol my Texas spirit is comin back:D
