Sunday, May 26, 2013

Killer Kitten Sunday

Dear Mom,
I actually slept in this morning for once in my life! Be so proud, I even took it to an extreme and didn't get our of bed till one in the afternoon! Aren't you happy?!
Ya, so last night there was this music festival in town. It was kind of like the la Fête de la musique that I went to when I was in Nîmes a few years ago where there are a bunch of stages all over town playing music. The event wasn't as big as the one in Nîmes; there were a fewer stages and more vending tables set up around town. A local Locarno T-shirt company had a table set up at one of the stages and their logo is this really awesome elephant! Taylor (also being an elephant lover) and I got matching T-shirts with these awesome elephants on them that were made here in Locarno. I guess it's kind of cool ;)
Now, as to the reason we got at of bed at 1 in the afternoon. This festival went on till like 3 in the morning so we were out walking around and listening to bands, till 3 in the morning, so after traveling back from Milan and partying all night a good sleep was in order.
I love all the live music, even if it was mainly all American music. It was funny because the performers were all saying things in Italian that we couldn't understand but the second they started singing we knew that more than half the crowd had no idea what they were saying, which made us feel a little special I suppose.
Today was nice and HOT. We went down to the lake this afternoon and hung out in the sunshine and on the grass for a bit. Nice and relaxing, and then I took another nap, not like I needed any more sleep. But I would like to share the little nightmare I had during this nap. It was like a kitten slasher movie. Anyway, Sofia (my little sister for those of you that don't know) found this tiny little white kitten outside our house and brought it inside. It was adorable, but for some reason this kitten had it out for me, and not like scratching and hissing out to get me type deal, it was like I want to rip you apart. And it tried, kind of like the killer rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Freaky. In this dream I worked at this restaurant so I took my little group of hit men to help me come kill this kitten because it's completely logical that a tiny white kitten that wants to kill me would be waiting for me at a restaurant. I regret to inform you that I woke up before the end of the dream so I do not know if I escaped the wrath of this evil kitten. Something about my sister and crazy cats...*cough cough* Zena. I googled some dream meanings and pieced some information and there are a few possibilities of things my subconscious could be telling me:
1. I am going through drastic changes in life and ready for a new beginning and my old self is trying to get rid of the past.
2. I feel that my innocence is gone and I don't want to accept the fact that life is changing.
3. I need to be careful because in the future some tiny white kitten will try to kill me, better watch my back.
Sometimes I feel like my brain is on drugs.
While we were walking along the lake today I was missing my ukulele a lot. I really just wanted to sit and play it by the water in the sunshine for a few hours :'( going through ukulele withdraws, it's happening, but I think I'll survive so don't worry.
Well cool, now that you've read this blog hoping to read about adventures in Switzerland and instead read about the weird and twisted ways my brain attempts relaying messages to me I shall leave you and continue listening to Dave Matthews because I love him.
Goodbye beautiful people.
O and how 'bout them Bruins eh? ;)

1 comment:

  1. ZEEEENNNAAAAA mohahaha she is coming to get you ( creepy smiley face):)
