Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Cat in the Hat is back

Look at me, day two and still blogging. So professional.
Today was the first day of classes; which were fabulous. For those of you that don't know I am taking an Italian course and a Special Relativity/Particle Physics course.  When we walked into the Italian course this morning our instructor just started spouting off in Italian....I mean, for us she was spilling foreign language-ness, but in reality it was just slow elementary level Italian, but I'd rather believe the first scenario. Why? Because here I am, only being around Italian growing up and never actually studying I understood most of what she was saying! Pretty cool eh?! During the class though I was speaking some sort of weird Fritalian because my brain was trying so hard to let French logic spill over all the Italian. Grant it the languages are decently similar, but different enough to where I was just sounding like some confused child with ADD. I am SO excited for the physics course. We just did an overview lecture today and IT'S GOING TO BE SO GREAT! I feel like I'm going to have some pseudo Einstein way of thinking when I get back....which really doesn't make any sense, but it's the truth.
I went for a little walk about today while everyone (save the other 4 kids taking the physics course) were in their meteorology class. Found a grocery store, cute little forested park, some sort of ancient cemetery and a lot of apartments. I ended up parking at the lake for a little bit while they finished class to take in the scenery and I must say I was very disappointed in myself. I felt like I was at home sitting on the dock in Grand Lake, not even exaggerating one bit. Growing up in Grand County I feel like my sensitivity to appreciate such serene landscapes is so calloused. I recognize the beauty of it, but eh just another mountain. And this is the moment that I slap myself in the face because I'm in Switzerland basking in the shadow of the Alps, c'mon now.  Still extremely beautiful town and unique in placement. Here's a picture.

 Since my mom got me an adorable collapsible cooler I went to the grocery store and got some goodies for lunch so I don't have to pay a bunch of money to eat out for lunch and dinner; and I found gold. Ever since I took the trip to France sophomore year I have yearned for the palatable cereal my French family gave me every morning: Tresor. Years have gone by, YEARS PEOPLE, that I have not been blessed with the fruit of this cereal box that births a babe of the happiest soul alive, and it was only 3 francs....I am in heaven.

Dear Mom and Dad: If  you are reading this, please skip this following section.
Tonight for dinner we ate at this cute little restaurant with god awful pink table cloths and napkins that match the walls of the hostel we are staying at. We ate fresh gnocchi and lasagna and all shared a bottle of wine, because we are in Switzerland and it's legal here. After dinner we went to a bar, because you know, we can because it's legal and I bought my first beer! So proud of myself :') Pipe down mom since I know you are reading this, no hard liquor, just one beer, that I bought myself, at a bar, because I could.

Successful second day I'd say, and for those of you inquiring about the title of this post, the following picture should explain. For those of you that don't know about my cat, he goes on all my adventures with me and yes, he is having a fabulous time as well.

Buonanotte from The Cat and I :)

1 comment:

  1. OMG! first beer, so proud of you :') hahaha. that view was incredible! So glad you're having a good time!
