Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, I've arrived and look at me being a good blogger and blogging like I said I would. I suppose how this goes is I recount my adventures that I've had thus far and toss in a few pictures here and there, so here it goes:
I left wonderful Colorado yesterday morning to new fallen snow (what a shock there). I thought I could live with that as I believed the weather in Locarno (place in Switzerland I am studying) would be warmer. Instead I was welcomed to humid air that was impossible to breath in Zurich to pouring rain here in Locarno.
Can't say that that's bad because it's absolutely beautiful here and I am so happy now that I am actually here considering my awesome luck with comfortable airplane rides, and yes that was sarcasm for those of you less quick to pick up on the cue.
Anyway, on my flight from Denver to Washington Dulles International I was so fortunate to be in the middle of a rather large red neck who slept and snored the whole way and a petite snooty rich lady who slept and snored the whole way. Time. Of. My. Life. Fortunately for the next flight I had two whole seats to myself next to the window. Sweet victory! I could sleep and spend this 8 hour flight in comfort. I guess my celebrating as we are taxiing out on the runway seconds before we speed off into flight was a bit premature of me (always jumping the gun over here) and some guy who looked like Finding Nemo with his classy orange polo plops down next to me. I guess people are still boarding the plane when you're out on the runway, who knew?
Despite the fact that my dreams of a comfortable flight were crushed dinner was absolutely fabulous (not the food, the view). I felt like I was in that first scene of the Lion King, but in reverse, and with a feminine touch. The sun was pink, a brilliant bright pink with orange rays flaking off to each side. The clouds looked like cottage cheese, a shadowy blue cottage cheese. Nice dinner, fabulous dinner.
A few of us were supposed to meet one of the professors in Washington Dulles who was going to show us to the train and get us to Locarno and what now but he missed the flight! Lucky for us, none of us know German which means it was super easy for us to figure out how to get where we needed to get. We were perfect examples of the idiot Americans today, so proud of us.
We got super lost. None of us knew where anything was. It took us a few times to figure out which train we were supposed to be on, but after getting on and off some trains we figured it out and were on our way to Locarno!
Made some friends on the train, because you know how much Europeans love crazy college American kids, pretty much their favorite people on the planet. The two and a half hour train ride was absolutely gorgeous! It is so green here! The train route went through all these quaint little mountain towns. Most of the farms were built into the hillside and made of stone with little donkey's hanging their asses out of the garage. I felt like I was in Ireland because of how green and lush it is here and I feel like stepped back in time, but I suppose you feel like that in most parts of Europe, the going back in time part.
Since we are not idiot Americans, we found our way to Locarno, but since we are crazy college kids we read the map backwards when we got to Locarno and were wandering around on the cobblestone and the streets like deer in headlights. We did find it, because we are indeed brilliant.
Tooled around town once we checked into the hotel and had lunch. Pretty nice git-up they got going over here, I'm stoked for this trip! Here is a picture from our little room off the balcony looking down on the piazza, little rainy but still awesome!


  1. Such a pretty view!!! So glad you made it safely to Switzerland. It sounded like a crazy adventure :) can't wait to read and see more!

  2. Nice travelogue miss m.looking forward to hearing and seeing more
    miss you xxoo - mom

  3. Oh LORD! Sounds like a riot already. Have a fun trip! I'm super jealous of the rainy weather and greenness since i'll be living in a desert... Great huh?
    And you look like you are in the most adorable spot! I'm jealous again. haha
    can't wait to hear more! You better keep your blog up! I love youuuu!

  4. red neck and rich lady hahahahah.... just wonderful! Wish I could see the Lion King sunset.Have fun!!!!
