Thursday, May 30, 2013

'Cause I'm having a good time, having a good time

Here's a picture of Dimitri for you mom :)
I feel..I feel, I don't know exactly what word I'm looking for...unappreciative? There's this castle literally like 30 seconds away from our hotel and yesterday after class we went to tour it and it was cool I guess since it's this super old castle (or what's left of it) but it was a letdown as medieval castles. Which is awful, because it's a castle they built a long time ago, and I would never be able to build something so impressive that lasts so long, but...but ya it was pathetic. That's what I did yesterday, big moment. O and I got my pants back and at the super market they had my cereal on sale! I got two boxes for really cheap! I have no idea what I'm going to do when I get back to the states and can't get it anymore.
It's been pretty rainy and not hot, which is the complete opposite of what I thought it was going to be so not having my pants was a problem, but the maids gave them back which is nice. I feel like I'm repeating myself. I don't have too much to say that y'all would be interested in. Just everyday life. Get up, free breakfast, Italian class, wonder Locarno for and hour, eat food, go to physics and then fall asleep. It's really weird all I want to do is take naps here and I'm really good at it. Given the chance I fall asleep in an instant, it's pretty great. Thankfully it's been raining for the past few days so I don't feel bad staying in and napping.
Every Thursday they have a little farmers market thing in the piazza and it has some cute stuff. But the point of me telling you this is actually specifically for one person because one of the vendors was playing Don't Stop Me Now and you probably won't read this haha but I thought of you Danny so ya. That is all.
I think I might take a nap now before dinner to recharge and party all night before we go hiking tomorrow.
O and I heard something about it snowing back home in GC? Ha! That sounds about right :)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Guess who finally got to go to the chocolate shop today? This kid. Shocking right? It really should have been the first place I went the second I got off the train but hey whatever. Ariana, they had the giant-est Toblerone I have ever seen! But what made me sad is that they didn't have the snow capped mountain Toblerone, like who do they think they are?! Gah...Swiss...But ya, that was the highlight of the day.
After class we went to this super cute town called Verscio, this tiny little foresty town in the Alps, to see The Clown Dimitri perform. He. was. adorable. It was neat to experience that little piece of culture outside of the tourist cliches for the night. Clowns are cool; I had never been to an actual "clown performance" before and I don't understand why a clown-phobia developed in society. They are just silly little guys doing silly little things.
The maids have been keeping our laundry hostage for the past few days and supposedly they are being released tomorrow, which I'm pretty excited for because I want my pants back.
Chocolate, clowns, school...yep, that's about it. Bye.
Toblerone heaven.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

And I'm proud to be an American!
I don't have much to say today, sorry. Physics is pretty cool, that's all I really have to report...and it was hot.
Oh, and I looked up some cool places to go hiking near and around Locarno so I'm super stoked about some of those trails to go check out one of these weekends. 
I had some interesting gelato...actually I chose three flavors that probably shouldn't have gone together. Tiramisu, coffee, and some forest berry stuff. I can't say I pride myself in the decision of mixing those flavors, but it wasn't entirely bad I suppose.
Honestly I am only posting something tonight because it's Memorial Day and um ya, not such a big deal here in Europe. So this is me celebrating with my friends and family back home and honoring those who have fought and died for our country. Thank you!
Ciao for now.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Killer Kitten Sunday

Dear Mom,
I actually slept in this morning for once in my life! Be so proud, I even took it to an extreme and didn't get our of bed till one in the afternoon! Aren't you happy?!
Ya, so last night there was this music festival in town. It was kind of like the la Fête de la musique that I went to when I was in Nîmes a few years ago where there are a bunch of stages all over town playing music. The event wasn't as big as the one in Nîmes; there were a fewer stages and more vending tables set up around town. A local Locarno T-shirt company had a table set up at one of the stages and their logo is this really awesome elephant! Taylor (also being an elephant lover) and I got matching T-shirts with these awesome elephants on them that were made here in Locarno. I guess it's kind of cool ;)
Now, as to the reason we got at of bed at 1 in the afternoon. This festival went on till like 3 in the morning so we were out walking around and listening to bands, till 3 in the morning, so after traveling back from Milan and partying all night a good sleep was in order.
I love all the live music, even if it was mainly all American music. It was funny because the performers were all saying things in Italian that we couldn't understand but the second they started singing we knew that more than half the crowd had no idea what they were saying, which made us feel a little special I suppose.
Today was nice and HOT. We went down to the lake this afternoon and hung out in the sunshine and on the grass for a bit. Nice and relaxing, and then I took another nap, not like I needed any more sleep. But I would like to share the little nightmare I had during this nap. It was like a kitten slasher movie. Anyway, Sofia (my little sister for those of you that don't know) found this tiny little white kitten outside our house and brought it inside. It was adorable, but for some reason this kitten had it out for me, and not like scratching and hissing out to get me type deal, it was like I want to rip you apart. And it tried, kind of like the killer rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Freaky. In this dream I worked at this restaurant so I took my little group of hit men to help me come kill this kitten because it's completely logical that a tiny white kitten that wants to kill me would be waiting for me at a restaurant. I regret to inform you that I woke up before the end of the dream so I do not know if I escaped the wrath of this evil kitten. Something about my sister and crazy cats...*cough cough* Zena. I googled some dream meanings and pieced some information and there are a few possibilities of things my subconscious could be telling me:
1. I am going through drastic changes in life and ready for a new beginning and my old self is trying to get rid of the past.
2. I feel that my innocence is gone and I don't want to accept the fact that life is changing.
3. I need to be careful because in the future some tiny white kitten will try to kill me, better watch my back.
Sometimes I feel like my brain is on drugs.
While we were walking along the lake today I was missing my ukulele a lot. I really just wanted to sit and play it by the water in the sunshine for a few hours :'( going through ukulele withdraws, it's happening, but I think I'll survive so don't worry.
Well cool, now that you've read this blog hoping to read about adventures in Switzerland and instead read about the weird and twisted ways my brain attempts relaying messages to me I shall leave you and continue listening to Dave Matthews because I love him.
Goodbye beautiful people.
O and how 'bout them Bruins eh? ;)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Boot

Hey. Just got back from Milan a little bit ago. It's kind of cool  in Europe you can just hop on a train and two hours later you are in a different country; and for pretty cheap too. So we made it to Milan yesterday (Friday morning) and I felt like I was back in Paris, save the fact that everyone was speaking Italian rather than French and Milan was much cleaner too.
Unfortunately the cheapest hotel was rather far from the center of the city and we had less than 48 hours to spend there, so there was a lot of running the rain. We went and saw del Duomo di Milano which was right in the center of the Piazza del Duomo which is basically a giant shopping strip of high end fashion and brands such as Prada, Louis Vuitton and all those fancy shenanigans. And for those of you that went I went to France with you didn't have to wait in line to go into the Louis Vuitton store! I suppose the French are a little more uptight than the Italians; although the Milanians (?) and Parisians do have similar attitudes, probably a big city thing (the French are definitely a little harder to please though). 
The church was absolutely beautiful. Mom, you would have loved it, but maybe you've been there already, I don't an case, it was cool and I took pictures for you. The architecture of the cities in Europe still amazes me. Like, how did they build such massive structures out of stone back then?! And everything is so perfect and precise. I mean this church was just massive, and maybe I'm not remembering St. Joseph's (Montreal), Notre Dame and Sacre Coeur as well and my comparison was distorted, but del Duomo di Milano was huge! Back then they probably had a better work ethic and more patience...and more time to put into building giant cathedrals because they didn't need to check their facebook or update their blog so they could build amazing things like that that last for centuries X) Way cool stuff people, way cool.
Another thing Mom and Dad might not want to read...not that it's bad but I'm sure you guys don't want to know that we got to enjoy Milan at 2 in the morning. I promise that I'm perfectly safe mom and you shouldn't worry because I ski raced, I kind of play hockey, and I'm not afraid to take on a 1 ton animal hurtling my way in attempts to break out into the no worries, right mom? Anyway, since the metro closed at 1am, we pretty much walked the entire way to the square from our hotel which was quite a few miles. It was probably the best time to go out though because there weren't pigeons everywhere and we got to talk to some people and get a feel of what the night life in Milan is like. Met a nice couple and a group of ladies and the city was beautiful at night. We walked around a little bit this morning before we caught the train back to Locarno to make it to the festival that's happening tonight, which I am enjoying a bit of right now as there is live music playing in the piazza right off our balcony. Here it is sunny and not rainy. I would also like to congratulate my hair for behaving theses past to days in the humidity and the rain; it didn't get to wild ;') so proud! 

Milan was awesome, I wish we had more time to further explore, but I'll save that for a later date. Save most of Italy for a later date because I am going back, get more in touch with my people! Woooo
I think I've written enough for now, I want to get out and enjoy the music and free food that's happening. 
But before I go, my beautiful roommate is headed to Jordan today so I want to wish her safe travels and if you're interested she's also doing a blog so feel free to check it out:


And also I want to congratulate the Pens!!!! Following hockey while I'm here is super hard, but ya... Yay Penguins! :) 

All of us ladies (minus one :/) in front of del Duomo di Milano

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Knights of the round Table....I wish

So, this blogging thing is a lot more work than I thought, and it's really not that much work at all, I'm just that lazy. In any case I probably won't write much tonight/this morning since it is already Friday where I am.
Today we had our last day of classes for the week and then took the train to Bellinzona to tour some old medieval castles. SUPER COOL. I would have loved to be a knight during those times; and of course I say that now but we all know I would hate life if I was. Anyway, Bellinzona was such an adorable old town, the castles were legit. Why don't I live in a stone castle with a moat and drawbridge? Good question, but I guess it can always be a life goal.
I apologize if this lacks good grammar or interesting-ness because I am super tired. We ended up staying the evening in Bellinzona and had dinner there. For those of you that know Dr. Zanolin, his wife and newest baby Luca came along and have been traveling with us and Luca is ADORABLE! Definitely one of the coolest kids on the trip for sure ;)
There was also a nice little market in the piazza right outside of our hotel today. It was pretty much the same as the Art-a-fair (for you Grand County people) except there were more baked goods and fresh foods. O, and Melea there were so many beautiful sun dresses I wanted them all! I did get a 150 year old French book which is pretty cool I guess.
Tomorrow we are all headed to Milan for two days. Stoked. On. Life! And I'm probably forgetting something that happened today, but I'm loopy sleepy so I'll leave with a picture from Bellinzona.

O! I am forgetting something! Something that I forgot about yesterday! It is was my favorite guy's birthday yesterday and I miss him so much! Happy belated birthday Tigger! I miss you Mr. T!

O gorsh isn't he just the handsomest? ;) 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Cat in the Hat is back

Look at me, day two and still blogging. So professional.
Today was the first day of classes; which were fabulous. For those of you that don't know I am taking an Italian course and a Special Relativity/Particle Physics course.  When we walked into the Italian course this morning our instructor just started spouting off in Italian....I mean, for us she was spilling foreign language-ness, but in reality it was just slow elementary level Italian, but I'd rather believe the first scenario. Why? Because here I am, only being around Italian growing up and never actually studying I understood most of what she was saying! Pretty cool eh?! During the class though I was speaking some sort of weird Fritalian because my brain was trying so hard to let French logic spill over all the Italian. Grant it the languages are decently similar, but different enough to where I was just sounding like some confused child with ADD. I am SO excited for the physics course. We just did an overview lecture today and IT'S GOING TO BE SO GREAT! I feel like I'm going to have some pseudo Einstein way of thinking when I get back....which really doesn't make any sense, but it's the truth.
I went for a little walk about today while everyone (save the other 4 kids taking the physics course) were in their meteorology class. Found a grocery store, cute little forested park, some sort of ancient cemetery and a lot of apartments. I ended up parking at the lake for a little bit while they finished class to take in the scenery and I must say I was very disappointed in myself. I felt like I was at home sitting on the dock in Grand Lake, not even exaggerating one bit. Growing up in Grand County I feel like my sensitivity to appreciate such serene landscapes is so calloused. I recognize the beauty of it, but eh just another mountain. And this is the moment that I slap myself in the face because I'm in Switzerland basking in the shadow of the Alps, c'mon now.  Still extremely beautiful town and unique in placement. Here's a picture.

 Since my mom got me an adorable collapsible cooler I went to the grocery store and got some goodies for lunch so I don't have to pay a bunch of money to eat out for lunch and dinner; and I found gold. Ever since I took the trip to France sophomore year I have yearned for the palatable cereal my French family gave me every morning: Tresor. Years have gone by, YEARS PEOPLE, that I have not been blessed with the fruit of this cereal box that births a babe of the happiest soul alive, and it was only 3 francs....I am in heaven.

Dear Mom and Dad: If  you are reading this, please skip this following section.
Tonight for dinner we ate at this cute little restaurant with god awful pink table cloths and napkins that match the walls of the hostel we are staying at. We ate fresh gnocchi and lasagna and all shared a bottle of wine, because we are in Switzerland and it's legal here. After dinner we went to a bar, because you know, we can because it's legal and I bought my first beer! So proud of myself :') Pipe down mom since I know you are reading this, no hard liquor, just one beer, that I bought myself, at a bar, because I could.

Successful second day I'd say, and for those of you inquiring about the title of this post, the following picture should explain. For those of you that don't know about my cat, he goes on all my adventures with me and yes, he is having a fabulous time as well.

Buonanotte from The Cat and I :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Well, I've arrived and look at me being a good blogger and blogging like I said I would. I suppose how this goes is I recount my adventures that I've had thus far and toss in a few pictures here and there, so here it goes:
I left wonderful Colorado yesterday morning to new fallen snow (what a shock there). I thought I could live with that as I believed the weather in Locarno (place in Switzerland I am studying) would be warmer. Instead I was welcomed to humid air that was impossible to breath in Zurich to pouring rain here in Locarno.
Can't say that that's bad because it's absolutely beautiful here and I am so happy now that I am actually here considering my awesome luck with comfortable airplane rides, and yes that was sarcasm for those of you less quick to pick up on the cue.
Anyway, on my flight from Denver to Washington Dulles International I was so fortunate to be in the middle of a rather large red neck who slept and snored the whole way and a petite snooty rich lady who slept and snored the whole way. Time. Of. My. Life. Fortunately for the next flight I had two whole seats to myself next to the window. Sweet victory! I could sleep and spend this 8 hour flight in comfort. I guess my celebrating as we are taxiing out on the runway seconds before we speed off into flight was a bit premature of me (always jumping the gun over here) and some guy who looked like Finding Nemo with his classy orange polo plops down next to me. I guess people are still boarding the plane when you're out on the runway, who knew?
Despite the fact that my dreams of a comfortable flight were crushed dinner was absolutely fabulous (not the food, the view). I felt like I was in that first scene of the Lion King, but in reverse, and with a feminine touch. The sun was pink, a brilliant bright pink with orange rays flaking off to each side. The clouds looked like cottage cheese, a shadowy blue cottage cheese. Nice dinner, fabulous dinner.
A few of us were supposed to meet one of the professors in Washington Dulles who was going to show us to the train and get us to Locarno and what now but he missed the flight! Lucky for us, none of us know German which means it was super easy for us to figure out how to get where we needed to get. We were perfect examples of the idiot Americans today, so proud of us.
We got super lost. None of us knew where anything was. It took us a few times to figure out which train we were supposed to be on, but after getting on and off some trains we figured it out and were on our way to Locarno!
Made some friends on the train, because you know how much Europeans love crazy college American kids, pretty much their favorite people on the planet. The two and a half hour train ride was absolutely gorgeous! It is so green here! The train route went through all these quaint little mountain towns. Most of the farms were built into the hillside and made of stone with little donkey's hanging their asses out of the garage. I felt like I was in Ireland because of how green and lush it is here and I feel like stepped back in time, but I suppose you feel like that in most parts of Europe, the going back in time part.
Since we are not idiot Americans, we found our way to Locarno, but since we are crazy college kids we read the map backwards when we got to Locarno and were wandering around on the cobblestone and the streets like deer in headlights. We did find it, because we are indeed brilliant.
Tooled around town once we checked into the hotel and had lunch. Pretty nice git-up they got going over here, I'm stoked for this trip! Here is a picture from our little room off the balcony looking down on the piazza, little rainy but still awesome!