Monday, June 3, 2013

It's Just Another Manic Monday

I like Sundays. Sundays so far have been fun days. Yesterday morning we laid in bed all morning snap chatting (which is super fun and I'm so glad the Ipad lets me have it).
We also went down to the "beach" to go swimming because it was hot so obviously it'd be a good idea to jump and swim in the lake...and that wasn't sarcasm, because it was a great idea. Not going to lie though, it was pretty chilly, but completely worth it. Ice cold Alp water swimming day? Success. Then for lunch/dinner we all got calzones, which were huge, and amazing. But ya other than that Sunday was pretty Sundayish.
I hate Mondays. Italian class is starting to not be my favorite thing to do at 8 in the morning for two hours. My attention span does not have that good of stamina and that last 30 minutes of class is just killer. Which also sucks because by the time I get to physics in the afternoon I am done. Its not that I am actually tired, my concentration is exhausted and my eyes are tired, but that's it. I guess that kind of sounds like I'm actually tired, but I'm not.
This afternoon after language lab I went and hiked the mountain to the top of town. The city/cities around the lake were awesome at night. It's not just one big string of lights from the connecting towns but little patches of towns and it's so cute! Cute and pretty. And all the buildings have different colored lights on them which just makes it that much better. But walking through the resident houses this afternoon was cool. They all have a lot of money and living here in Locarno is kind of a good deal, a little jealous of them, un poco.
I apologize that nothing super exciting happens during the week so I sound like a crazy rambling nanny, but hey I'm still blogging almost everyday! Like a champion.
K, well it's way past bedtime which is at 10 by the way so I'll stop word vomiting.
Two more things though:
Super jealous of anyone who is going to Alice Cooper and Marilyn Mansn tonight at Red Rocks, rock for me please.
And also Happy Birthday Greg! Happy 21st birthday so it's even cooler, and you're going to be at Red Rocks tonight so I would wish you to have a great day, but I know it's going to be fabulous so I don't need to be pleading to whoever to give you a good time ;) Miss you!

Night all.

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